Cyber Security

Services & Solutions

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NxSOC as a service

Our Next-Generation SOC is a team of advanced cybersecurity analysts leveraging cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to protect organizations’ digital assets.

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NOC as a service

Our NOC (Network Operation Center) utilizes the latest technology and processes to develop more efficient, intelligent, and business-aligned network operations. This ensures optimal network quality, availability, and support to meet business objectives.

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Threat Detection

With advanced tools, we provide faster threat detection, reduced alert fatigue, smarter investigations, rapid response, and proactive threat hunting for security teams. Lumu as a Service offers the technology and the right team to uncover what others cannot see.

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Managed Cybersecurity

We help organizations strengthen their cybersecurity defenses by offering a range of proactive and responsive services, including:

  • Firewall Management
  • Antivirus
  • EDR, XDR
  • VPN
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Penetration Testing
  • Security Policy Management

This enables businesses to mitigate risks, improve incident response capabilities, and maintain a robust security posture.

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Threat Intelligence

Brand Protection

Brand Protection as a Service (BPaaS) is a comprehensive solution that helps businesses safeguard their brand reputation, intellectual property, and digital assets from various threats and risks. This service is designed to proactively identify and mitigate issues such as counterfeiting, trademark infringement, online fraud, unauthorized use of brand assets, and other activities that could compromise brand integrity.

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Takedowns as a Service

Our service helps organizations remove malicious or unauthorized content from the internet. This service is particularly relevant in the context of brand protection, intellectual property defense, and mitigating various online threats. The primary goal of Takedown as a Service is to swiftly and effectively eliminate content that poses a risk to brand reputation, infringes intellectual property rights, or violates security and compliance standards.

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Cyber Intelligence

Cybersecurity Intelligence as a Service (CIaaS) is a comprehensive offering that provides organizations with actionable intelligence and insights to enhance their cybersecurity posture. This service leverages advanced technologies, threat intelligence sources, and expert analysis to deliver timely and relevant information about potential cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and risks.

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Executive Monitoring

Our Executive Monitoring service provides continuous oversight and management of an individual’s digital presence, reputation, and public image across online platforms. This proactive approach helps executives, key leaders, and public figures maintain a positive online reputation, mitigate potential risks, and promptly address emerging issues, including exposed information in data breaches.

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Incident Response

Forensic Investigation

This service involves conducting a formal forensic investigation following a cybersecurity incident. The goal is to help organizations determine how the reported attack or incident occurred, enabling them to take appropriate measures to mitigate or eliminate it.

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Incident Response

This service provides support from a specialized and skilled team to address a cybersecurity incident. With this service, organizations can rely on the full support of SISAP experts to respond to a security attack against their organization.

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Security Programs

SISAP Cybersecurity Program

This program helps prepare and enhance organizations’ cybersecurity posture using a holistic and continuous approach, facilitating the alignment of cybersecurity objectives with strategic business goals.

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Incident Response Plans

Our cybersecurity incident response service focuses on empowering organizations by developing effective action plans to address any potential cybersecurity incidents. Our goal is to ensure the continuity of critical business operations and enhance the organization’s overall response capabilities.

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Vulnerability Management Program

The Vulnerability Management Program (VMP) aims to optimize remediation potential and enhance efforts to continuously improve the organization’s security posture. Through efficient vulnerability management, the program seeks to maximize effectiveness in identifying and addressing potential weaknesses, thereby contributing to a more secure environment.

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The Strategic Information Security and Cybersecurity Plan (PESI) is a service that helps organizations design an information security and cybersecurity plan aligned with their organizational strategic objectives.

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Business Continuity Management

This service focuses on anticipating and mitigating risks that could disrupt a company’s essential operations by developing action plans to ensure operational continuity in the face of disasters, emergencies, or adverse situations.

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Risk Mitigation

Risk Quantification with X-Analytics

This service aims to help businesses acquire the necessary data to manage cyber risk by identifying threat exposure and the potential financial impact, all tailored to the specific industry of the organization.

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Cyber Attack Simulation

The Red Team service evaluates an organization’s cybersecurity posture by simulating tactics, techniques, and procedures that could be emulated by an attacker. With a team of experts in IT and security, simulation strategies are implemented to identify and exploit weaknesses, determining potential compromise vectors.

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Penetration Testing (Pentesting)

The objective of this service is to identify and exploit vulnerabilities that could be leveraged by an attacker, using advanced ethical hacking techniques and tactics.

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Application Security Assessment (PESA)

The Application Security Assessment Program is a comprehensive security analysis that combines static and dynamic testing. It identifies vulnerabilities before production and detects real-time threats during execution, enabling agile response and enhanced security.

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Analisis de Vulnerabilidades

El análisis de vulnerabilidades de la red es un proceso que implica identificar, evaluar y priorizar las posibles vulnerabilidades en una infraestructura de red y en los sistemas que la componen.

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PCI DSS Assessment

The PCI DSS service certifies that an organization complies with security standards to protect payment card data. It involves a review of security controls and data handling practices to identify vulnerabilities and ensure information security.

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SWIFT Customer Security Program

This service helps organizations comply with SWIFT regulations through the CSP (Customer Security Program), aimed at supporting financial organizations in reducing cyber fraud.

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Vulnerability Remediation

Our remediation service is designed to identify, prioritize, and address vulnerabilities and security gaps within the infrastructure. It leverages advanced scanning and remediation tools, along with expert analysis based on the FIRST methodology, to proactively tackle vulnerabilities.

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24/7 Support

Support Programs

We provide proactive support options backed by a team of highly skilled engineers with extensive knowledge and experience, enabling organizations to strengthen their security posture and adopt new solutions with confidence.

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Network Assessment

Our Network Assessment Service provides a comprehensive analysis of your company’s network infrastructure. It includes detailed mapping of network architecture, IP protocols, and traffic patterns for a thorough understanding.

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Awareness Management

Cloud-based awareness platform management services (based on the selected brand). This includes managing the launch of educational campaigns and phishing simulations, delivering reports with insights and recommendations for each activity.

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Awareness Platforms

KnowBe4 Platform

It is the most comprehensive integrated platform on the market, offering security awareness and attack simulations for all users within the organization.

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Terranova Security

El entrenamiento en sensibilización de seguridad de Terranova preparará a sus empleados para abordar activamente los riesgos cibernéticos, hacer cumplir las mejores prácticas y fortalecer las defensas digitales de su empresa.

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Certified Trainings

Field knowledge in cybersecurity allows an understanding of fundamental aspects. However, upon completing formal studies and passing certification exams, individuals can demonstrate that their knowledge goes beyond the basics, showcasing proven expertise in more specific areas. Each certification validates skills in one or more topics, such as networking, security, risk management, communications, cloud computing, and even penetration testing.

Access the list of available training programs at the following link:

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Law Enforcement

Digital Forensic Tools

Our forensic tools enable the acquisition and processing of digital evidence from devices such as computers and mobile phones, using write blockers and duplicators. Platforms like Encase Forensic and FTK facilitate system and mobile device analysis with decryption capabilities. Tools like Cellebrite Premium unlock protected mobile devices. Additionally, advanced technologies allow for the analysis of cell towers, crime scenes, and accidents with 3D reconstructions and real-time video enhancement.

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Civil and Military Intelligence

Our solutions include cellphone tracking software to obtain precise real-time geolocation, which is valuable in combating drug trafficking and human trafficking. Tactical surveillance tools enable the lawful interception of communications to solve crimes. In cryptocurrency analysis, platforms like Reactor link transactions to real-world entities. Furthermore, AI tools uncover hidden connections between individuals and events, while solutions like Pathfinder streamline collaboration among investigators by highlighting key leads.

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Security and Monitoring in Critical Areas

This set of technological solutions focuses on ensuring efficient security and monitoring across various contexts. In secure rooms, signal jammers and noise generators protect confidential information. In prisons, advanced technology provides monitoring and control with 3D imaging and real-time analysis. For search and rescue, drones equipped with thermal and high-resolution cameras are essential for missions in hazardous areas. Additionally, employee monitoring tools like Veriato help predict internal risks and control activities in both remote and office environments.

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Outsourcing is a specialized service designed for medium and large cybersecurity software providers with a customer base using their products and a specific need for end-customer support. Our business model operates as white-label support, a no-logo modality that allows our clients to strengthen their support teams and cover multiple time zones and weekends.

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Identity Access Management

Identity and Access Management

This service focuses on identity and access management. We offer advanced solutions in Identity Governance and Administration (IGA), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and SSO, Privileged Access Management (PAM), and Identity Analytics, optimizing security, compliance, and productivity for our clients.

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Anti Fraud

Digital Anti-Fraud

This is a specialized service focused on preventing and detecting financial digital fraud, designed to protect our clients’ financial transactions while adhering to industry regulations and standards. With a consultative approach, our anti-fraud unit works closely with clients to understand their specific priorities and threats, ensuring the integrity and security of the transaction lifecycle.

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Service Provider


This unit aims to implement and support products and services for clients across the region who provide telecommunications services, data and internet links, cloud solutions, and fixed networks to corporate clients and end-users.

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OT Security

Coming Soon...

Very soon, with SISAP, you’ll be able to protect systems and equipment used to monitor and control industrial processes.

Would you like to learn more about our services?

Contact us now and discover precise cybersecurity solutions tailored to your needs. With SISAP, you will get:

  1. Expert advice.
  2. Industry-leading technologies.
  3. Certified knowledge.
  4. Quotes tailored to your specific requirements.
  5. Timely responses to your inquiries.


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