
PCI DSS Compliance Consulting


Consulting that consists of the accompaniment and audit to present the compliance of an organization on the PCI DSS standard. This service is designed to support organizations to demonstrate their level of compliance whether they have complied with the standard previously or not. It is important to mention that not everyone can support in this type of services since to carry out a legitimate audit, you must not only have personnel certified as Quality Security Assessor (QSA), but also the organization must be a QSA company authorized by the Payment Card Industry Council.


Any organization that transmits, stores, or processes payment card data must be in compliance with the PCI DSS standard (whether or not personally requested by the PCI Council). However, it is recognized that it is a very specific standard and that complying with what is requested within it is not an easy task. This service supports organizations from the beginning of the PCI DSS compliance process to the final compliance audit. This audit will be crucial because once approved, evidence of compliance can be presented to the Board.


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