
Information Security Strategic Plan (ISSP)


Making decisions related to the investments that an organization must make in cybersecurity is not easy. There are many cybersecurity standards, best practices, and controls that any organization can implement; however, it is important that before making a decision they ask themselves: will this decision help the business to improve its level of maturity in cybersecurity? The PESI service seeks to support organizations in making those decisions by delivering a personalized plan that will define what the business' cybersecurity priorities should be based on their current level of maturity and industry best practices.


The service called “Strategic Information Security Plan” (PESI) focuses on creating a strategic plan based on NIST Cybersecurity Framework best practices. This plan aims to list what should be the priorities of the business in the short, medium and long term in terms of information security and cybersecurity.

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Security is not a project, it is a program. To be robust, it must be built from the inside out.

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